Kundalini Part 4

Kundalini Part 4
Recorded:31 Jan 2009
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:1h 23m 20s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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We investigate the connection between skull symbolism and the Kundalini – and suddenly John the Baptist pops onto the scene! We take a quick look at how Jesus had identified and handled the Kundalini, and the Kundalini's ultimate evil plan for mankind. The rest of this DVD concerns itself with a Biblical perspective on the Kundalini.


  • The Fisher Kings.
    • The Templars and Kundalini.
      • The Origin of Skull Symbolism.
        • An Idol in your Heart.
          • John, Jesus and the Pharisees.
            • Evolution and Collective Consciousness.
              • Discernment.
                • Kundalini: Its Nature?
                  • The Fiery Dragon.
                    • Cast from Heaven.
                      • The Dragon and the Beast from the Sea.
                        • The Dragon and the False Prophet.
                          • The Dragon and the Whore.
                            • Who is the Dragon?
                              • A possible Explanation of the Symbolism.
                                • The Dragon's End.
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