Frequently Asked Questions

Would you be available to speak in my area?

Yes, we are. Please contact us to make arrangements.
We are not interested, though, to be just another event on your church calendar to keep your people amused and interested in your organization. We do not amuse people, or polish church images. We intend to serve Jesus, and build the Kingdom of Heaven in your area on a long-term basis. If you can live with that, please contact us.

What is your standard fee for speaking engagements?

Although we always welcome donations or blessings for the ministry, we never demand any fee for speaking. We do expect that our (Eben and his wife Isabel) traveling, lodging and meals expenses be covered, and would also appreciate an opportunity to advertise and sell our materials.
Instead of a speaking fee, folks usually bless the ministry with love offerings.

What is your banking details?

ABSA account number 905 413 0094.
Branode: 632 005.
Account Name: Trumpet Call.

Can I send you my prayer request?

People tend to think that Trumpet Call is a fellowship of intercessors. We are not. Although we pray for many things, we are not geared up to receive and pray through individual prayer requests.

Have you mapped (researched) my town (city) yet?

Most probably not. We would be glad to leave that up to you. Our teaching DVDs could give you a great start.