The Masonic Orders of Rose Croix and Knights Templar

by Eben Swart 21 Jun 2010 Download prayer in PDF format
Prayers of Repentance and Renunciation for those whose ancestors, or themselves, have been involved in the Rose Croix and Knights Templar degrees of Freemasonry.


  1. Jesus: Jesus of Nazareth, the Jesus who came from heaven to earth in the flesh to die for the sins of man (1 John 4:2).
  2. Perverted by Masonry. Replaced by Hiram Abiff, the poor widow's son.
  3. Cush: The deified son of Ham, the son of Noah - whom God saved through the flood by the ark (Gen. 10:1,6).
  4. Also known as Hermes, Mercurius, Bel, Belus, Marduk, Janus, Hephaistos and Vulcan.
    Falsely known in Masonry as Solomon, King of Israel.
  5. Nimrod: The deified son of Cush (Gen. 10:8). Nimrod was the first king of Babylon (Babel). A powerful, cunning, evil man. Killed by Esau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham (Jasher 27:7), leaving Nimrod's wife widowed.
    Also known as Ninus, Zoroaster, Shamash,  Baal, Osiris, Zeus, Jupiter and Brahma.
    Falsely known in Masonry as Hiram of Tyre.
  6. Semiramis: The deified, licentious wife of Nimrod.
  7. Also known as Inanna, Isis, Hera, Rhea, Cybele, Venus, Vesta, Luna, Astarte, Ashera, Ceres, Shiva, Gaia, Madonna (Mary), Queen of Heaven, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots  and of the Abominations of the Earth.
    Falsely known in Masonry as the Poor Widow, Faith, Hope, Charity, Beauty, Wisdom (Sophia), Strength, Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, Justice, Liberty, Moderation, Industry, Humility and Truth..
  8. Tammuz: The deified illegitimate son of Semiramis by an unknown man, said to be the incarnation of Nimrod (Ezek. 8:14).
  9. Also known as Horus, Bacchus, Attis, Vishnu and Krishna.
    Falsely known in Masonry as Hiram Abif or T.G.A.O.T.U. (The Grand Architect of the Universe).
    False Messiah.
  10. Mysteries: The occult Babylonian religious system which was founded by Nimrod and Semiramis, and had spread across the world in various forms (Gen.
    10:8-10). Manifest today in the Roman Catholic Church and other alternative religions, and Freemasonry and other secret organizations. Also known as the Occult, Paganism or Idolatry.
    Falsely known in Masonry and Roman Catholicism as The Christian Religion.
  11. Tower of Babel: The edifice erected by Nimrod in Babylon (Gen. 11:4), whose founder was Cush. In Masonry (and Kaballah) equated to the human spine (or Tree of Life), along which the Kundalini serpent power moves by means of the opening of 7 chakras, to eventually reach the skull and third eye on the forehead - known as Illumination.
  12. Falsely known in Masonry as The Temple of Solomon.

Prayer of Repentance:

(The prayers of repentance for the Order of the Rose Croix
will be done alongside those of the Knights Templar,
whereas the prayers of renunciation will be done separately

Father God, I approach you by the blood of Jesus, in his Name. I humbly approach your throne room through the rent veil to repent before you as a sinner.

  1. I repent of my own pride and desires of money and power, which had led me to be caught up in the web up Freemasonry. I realize that I had tremendously grieved you by my conduct, and ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  2. I repent of every secret teaching of secret knowledge of which I had partaken. I believe that the Son of Man does not say anything in secret (John 18:20). I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  3. I repent of every Masonic office which I had occupied, thereby making a mockery of the five-fold ministry (Eph. 4:11) and your Kingdom. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  4. I repent of every ritual which I had religiously and meticulously performed as a prophetic act against your Kingdom. I realize that I should not have learnt the ways of the pagan nations (Jer. 10:2). I repent of the worship of idols during these rituals, and my willing submission under their authority (Ps. 97:7). I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  5. I repent of every oath, by blood or otherwise, which I've sworn under the Masonic banner (Mat. 5:34 - 36), thereby moving further and further away from Your purposes for my life, and binding myself up in a web from which I cannot escape by myself. I repent of the fact that I had implicitly even vowed away my very salvation in Jesus Christ, and sold my faith and body. I beg for Your forgiveness for my great foolishness and sin, in the name of Jesus.
  6. I repent of every secret Masonic word, jewel, regalia or sign which I've used for unjust personal gain, as well as to gain further entrance into the Mysteries (Prov. 6:12 - 14). I repent of my extreme conceit and audacity in taking on, for myself, the blasphemous names of "Lord of Hosts" and "I Am that I Am." I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  7. I repent of submitting myself under the authority of the Pope as Pontifex Maximus, as well as under the authority of the principality of the Queen of Heaven. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  8. I repent of allowing myself to become a priest and Companion of the Mysteries, of Darkness, and for (as a priest) luring others into the craft. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  9. I repent of implicitly vowing to defend the case of the Queen of Heaven and the Catholic Church, and to take up the sword against fellow Christians and others in doing so. I realize that I have spiritual blood on my hands, and that I am a murderer. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  10. I repent of the extreme religiosity, which permeates the Masonic ritual, in which I had partaken. I repent of the perversion of God's Word, which is taken out of context in the Masonic ritual. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  11. I repent of every form of Masonic authority which I have received, including the office of the apostle Matthias. I proclaim this authority to be false authority, which crops out from the pit of hell. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  12. I repent of my contribution in erecting a "spiritual edifice that shall endure forever" in co-operation with my fellow Masons. I proclaim this spiritual edifice to be the spiritual rebuilding of the ancient Tower of Babylon - the ultimate manifestation of man's rebellion against you, my Lord.
  13. I repent of my laziness to discern, and my eagerness to accept the lies and twisted truth of Masonry.
  14. I repent of the Masonic declaration that "the rising Sun sheds lustre upon the banner of the Order, and that it shall encourage all true and courteous Companions, and dismay and confound their enemies." I proclaim this to be a curse pronounced on true followers of Christ - and represents manifest witchcraft. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  15. I repent of the fact that I had prophetically role-played the person called Zerubabel (which is not the Biblical Zerubabel), with the specific allegorical meaning that I played the role of the spiritual seed of confusion, as well as the spiritual seed of Babylon (Zoro = seed; babel = Babylon = confusion). I repent of the fact that I have thus prophetically propagated the historical lie that a Masonic Lodge had convened in Jerusalem in the time of the Biblical Zerubabel. I hereby admit that I had contributed to the perversion of the Scriptures. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  16. I repent of every (spiritual) murder which I had committed in defending Masonic Truth with my sword. I admit that I had greatly harmed the Kingdom of Heaven in doing that, and that I have (spiritual) blood on my hands. I repent of the pride which it caused me to develop, since I received it as a mark of the Lodge's esteem. I hereby surrender this sword, as well as the prophetic mantle which I had thereby received (from Masonry) to the feet of Jesus. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  17. I repent for willingly submitting myself (as Zerubabel) in the prophetic act of role-play under the authority of Darius, Persian King of Babylon, and being declared a friend of this king. I repent for initially presenting myself to him as his captive and slave. I repent of the fact that by so doing, I had submitted myself directly under the authority of the office of the Roman Pontiff, the Pope (whose office originated with the Babylonian and Persian kings), and thus under the yoke of idolatry. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  18. I repent of symbolically and willingly crossing the bridge, representing the border between the kingdoms of Israel and Babylon (Persia) during the ritual. I admit that this represents my willing passage from the Heavenly Kingdom into the Kingdom of Darkness, from the Judean banner to the Persian. I also repent of any form of antisemitism of which I had partaken, whether it be physical acts, words pronounced, mental thoughts and convictions, or emotional feelings. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  19. I repent of believing and propagating the lie that, as a Mason, I represented the priesthood of the house of Judah. I now realize that I actually represented the priesthood of the house of Nimrod, of the Babylonian house of Mysteries. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus, and pray that you will remove from my mind all logical confusion caused by this lie.
  20. I repent of the fact that, as Zerubabel, the role-playing Darius had pronounced my father (Shealtiel) an "accomplished Freemason." I repent of the fact that, in so doing, my bloodline had been prophetically polluted - by a historical lie. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  21. I repent of believing the following historical lies:
    1. That the Biblical king Solomon was a Freemason. I repent of perverting the name of the son of David to Sol-om-on, denoting the sun god, the nature god and Heliopolis in Egypt.
    2. That Freemasonry started in Israel.
    3. That the temple utensils carried off to Babylon during the exile contained a Masonic altar.
    Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  22. I repent of using signs and grips, referring to pagan Masonic rituals, to mutually recognize fellow Masons secretly - to the exclusion of other Christians. I repent of lovelessness, and elevating one person above another - for personal gain. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  23. I repent of believing the lie that the Order of the Rose Croix would prepare me to become a better Christian, and would allow me admission to the Order of the Temple. I repent of perverting not only my own, but through me also the perceptions of many other followers of Jesus - of Christianity and the Body of Christ. I repent of the fact that my involvement in Freemasonry had caused great harm to the Body of Christ, and to the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  24. I repent of saying "yes" to the following question in writing, and signing my name underneath: "If called upon to draw your sword in a religious case, will you give preference to the Christian Religion?" I repent of making such a statement, since Jesus commanded Peter to put his sword away when he used it in physical defence of Jesus. I repent of my preparedness to use physical violence to defend Christianity. I also repent of not discerning the allegorical meaning of the question, which obligates me to take up the sword to defend Roman Catholicism and the Mysteries. Again, I had availed myself as a judge in a modern inquisition. I admit that I, representing the Roman governor Pontius Pilate (and thus the Pontifex Maximus), had physically and hypocritically washed my hands "as a token of my sincerity, and the purity of my intentions." I have spiritual blood on my hands, and am guilty of murder. I am truly sorry, Father. Only your grace can save me. I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  25. I repent of submitting to the yokes of seven years of pilgrimage in the Templar's lodge (of which I was only required to complete three), as well as the four years of warfare (of which I was only required to complete 3) and one year of penitence.
    1. I realize that these seven ritual years and acts are symbolic of the seven chakras through which the Kundalini spirit serpent moves from the base of my spine to the top of my head, to eventually open my "third eye" in the middle of my forehead (known in Freemasonry as "illumination"), which would enable me to see into the spiritual realm permanently. I repent of willingly entering into this occultic mechanism of acquiring spiritual power.
    2. I also realize that the 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry symbolize the 33 vertebrae in the human spine, and that they also serve as a mocking of the 33 years of Jesus' life on earth. I also realize that the last 3 degrees, which would correspond with Jesus' years of ministry, are called "Lucifarianism" in Freemasonry.
    3. [In the York Rite, the chivalric degrees (the apex of which is the Knights Templar degree) correspond to these.]
      I repent of my blasphemous scoffing at the ministry of Jesus.
    4. I repent of my lust for supernatural power or "light" through Freemasonry, in stead of the Father's "wonderful light" (1 Pet. 2:9). I repent of thus showing that I did not love the Lord my God with all my heart and soul and mind. I repent of my lust after power over people, which caused me to commit this foolish act. I repent of acquiring this supernatural power through infestation with the Kundalini spirit, and for frequently energizing this spirit through ritual and supernatural, occultic mechanisms. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    5. I repent of cooling the extreme sexual urges (caused by the Kundalini power within my lower body) in ungodly ways.
    6. [These urges, which are identical to those caused by Tantric Yoga and -sex (which also makes use of the Kundalini spirit), are quite intense and urgent. Quite often, they are cooled in fornication, adultery, or sodomy - as is clear from the testimonies of the historical Knights Templar before the Inquisition.]
      Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    7. I realize that these rituals caused demonic infestation in my life. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  26. I repent of kissing the Bible to seal my vows in the lodge. I realize that this is symbolic of the Judas kiss to betray Jesus.
    1. I repent of symbolically taking the place of Judas during the apostolic ritual, accepting the declaration of my own death via the reading of the King James Bible, and being resurrected as Matthias, the substitute apostle. I realize that this is symbolic of a false baptism into the death of Judas.
    2. I repent of blowing out the candle of my own life as Judas, and relighting it as Matthias - thereby declaring myself a reincarnated betrayer of Jesus - with apostolic authority. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    3. I repent of conceit, having been appointed as an apostle by an evil organization, as well as for receiving and regarding it as an honour. I repent of accepting an evil spiritual mantle, and thus taking on a spiritual position in defiance of the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
  27. I repent of participating in five libations (drink offerings) - the first four with wine and water (or diluted wine), and the last with pure wine.
    1. I repent of toasting to my "excellent Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel," my "Magnificent Grand Master, Hiram, King of Tyre," my "Ancient and Operative Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son," and "Simon of Cyrene/John the Baptist." I realise that I was thus symbolically toasting to the various idol manifestations of the deified Cush, Nimrod, Tammuz and the rest of the bloodline of so-called "Fisher Kings."
    2. [These Fisher Kings, in Gnosticism, represent those from the bloodline of the Nephilim (carriers of demonic DNA) who ruled by the power of Baphomet, which is also known as the Green Man, Kundalini, St. George, St. John or the "Holy Spirit."]
      I repent of idolatry, and submitting to demonic powers, which is thus performed by the five Templar libations.
    3. I repent of entering into a covenant with this Nephilim bloodline, by drinking diluted wine while toasting to these individuals. I realise that the wine is symbolic of the blood, and that the blood signifies the life of each individual (Lev. 17:11). Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    4. I repent of receiving four spiritual "lessons" while entering into this diabolical covenant - these "lessons" rehearsing the night of Jesus' betrayal and crucifixion. I realize that, just as it's done in Roman Catholicism, I had crucified Jesus anew, while entering into a covenant with demons. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    5. I repent of embracing Gnosticism, whose teachings underpin those of the Knights Templar - historically, as well as at present.
    6. [The historical Knights Templar received large parts of their "secret knowledge" from the Muslim Sufis while they were residing in Jerusalem during the time of the Crusades. These teachings are fundamentally Gnostic. Gnostic doctrine requires "secret (esoteric, occult) knowledge" for salvation.]
      I realize that Gnosticism is heretical by nature, and intrinsically mystic and occult. Father, I ask for your forgiveness, in the Name of Jesus.
    7. I repent of drinking pure wine from a human skull (or sea shell) during the fifth libation. I realize that this skull represents the decapitated head of John the Baptist (the so-called "Baphomet"), and is equivalent to the skull of the so-called "skull and crossbones" (or "Jolly Roger") of piracy.
    8. [When the historical Knights Templar had to flee France in 1309 after their leader, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake due to their persecution by a conspiracy between king Philip IV ("the Fair") and his uncle Pope Clement V, many of them fled on the Templar ships, and roamed the seas of the world for years to come - becoming known as "pirates."]
      I also realize that the pure wine of this ritual (as opposed to the diluted wine of the previous rituals) signifies a higher, stronger and more binding covenant than before. I repent of believing that this skull's Kundalini powers would empower me supernaturally, and that I had thus rejected the blood (and thus the life in me) of Jesus in the  Holy Communion. I also repent of thus inviting the Kundalini serpent into my own skull in order to open my third, spiritual eye, and submitting to its powers within me. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    9. I repent of drinking from a symbolic, evil spiritual womb (the skull or sea shell). I realize that I had thus invited (water-) spirits of death, piracy, cruelty and greed into myself and prepared my body as a temple of evil spirits. I also realize that the sea shell represents the womb from which the evil Queen of Heaven spirit is birthed into my head. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    10. I repent of singing the "Ode to the skull" - thus worshiping death, Baphomet, the Green man, St. George, St. John or the Kundalini spirit. I realize that this constitutes idolatry. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
  28. I repent of pursuing the alchemical principle of dualism whereby opposites are united. I repent of my quest to find the elixir or philosopher's stone - and through these, immortality - which provides a way to eternal life AROUND the Door, who is Jesus Christ (John 10:9).
    1. I repent of my reverence for the symbol of the square and the compass, which represents this unification (the square representing earth, and the compass representing heaven).
    2. I repent of my Lucifarian desire to be immortal - a human god. I realize that this represents the ultimate Satanic
      deception and folly. I repent of thus taking part in the program of the New World Order to re-establish the Nephilim bloodline and ultimately the Antichrist.
    3. Father, I beg for your forgiveness.
  29. I repent of receiving, and accepting the office and title of "Knight" or "Sir" of the Valorous and Magnificent Order of Knights Templar. This happened when I was kneeling in front of the the Eminent Commander, and he gave me a tap with his sword on my left shoulder, as well as on my back.
    1. I realize that knighthood of any historical order of knights cannot be separated from Roman Catholicism, Gnosticism, and ultimately the Babylonian Mysteries. I realize that being dubbed knight had initiated me into the military priesthood of the Queen of Heaven. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    2. I also realize that the Eminent Commander's tap with his sword on my left shoulder and back constitutes the spiritual equivalent of the ancient Knights Templar ritual, by which the Kundalini spirit was activated by a homosexual kiss on the base of the spine by the Grand Master.
    3. [As the ancient ritual released the Kundalini to proceed from the base of the spine (sacrum) upwards, the modern ritual releases the Kundalini to proceed from the shoulder (neck) vertebrae into the skull.]
    4. I repent of the pride and occultism which accompanies all chivalry. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
  30. I repent of, after my initiation, receiving and accepting as the insignia of the Order, various Pagan symbols:
    1. I repent of wearing a baldric as the insignia of the Knights Templar. It bears a star with a Persian Cross in the centre. I repent of thus submitting myself under the authority of Lucifer as the Morning Star (Is. 14:12), and Tammuz, the Pagan Messiah, whose ancient symbol is the Persian Cross. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    2. I repent of using a sword - endowed as such: "Its hilt with Justice impartial, its blade with Fortitude undaunted and its point with mercy unrestrained." I realize that our Lord Jesus had commanded Peter to put away his sword, "for all who draw the sword, shall die by the sword" (Mat. 26:52). I also realize that this sword is symbolic of the hermetic holy grail Excalibur - from the Arthurian Gnostic legends. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    3. I repent of using a spear "to remind me of the zeal and activity which should henceforth and evermore goad me on in the performance of my Knightly duties." I realize that this spear is also symbolic of the hermetic holy grail - the spear by which the legendary Roman soldier Longinus had pierced the side of Jesus (John 19:34). Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    4. I repent of using the penal sign by extending my right hand, palm up, and bringing it over the right shoulder, palm down, and with the edge cutting across the neck. Then, reversing the hand, fingers pointing upwards, and putting them under my chin, and elevating this hand to the level of my head. This sign refers to the penalty of my vow, whereby I will have "my head smitten off and placed upon the highest spire of Christendom." I've used this as a "proper salutation when entering or leaving an assembly of a lodge of Knights Templar." Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    5. I repent of using the grand sign by "crossing my right foot over my left foot, my right arm extended to the left (slightly elevated), and my left arm extended to the right (slightly depressed), with the hand slightly inclined to the right." In this position I said "In Hoc Signo Vinces" " - in this sign I will conquer. I realize that this  sign refers to the pagan Messiah Tammuz, whose ancient symbol is the cross. I repent of calling him my Saviour. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
      [Historically, the sign which Constantine the Great saw in his vision was not a Latin cross, but an X - together with "In Hoc Vinces." The "Christian" cross unequivocally originates with Tammuz. Jesus was "impaled" (not crucified) on a pole (not a cross!). This was incorrectly translated in the New Testament].
    6. I repent of submitting myself under the authority of the Banner (or Standard) of the Knights Templar. This banner is white, with a blood red Persian Cross in the centre - with the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces." Under it is "Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis: Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam" - Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory."
      I realize that this means that all glory in the Order of Knights Templar is directed at Tammuz, the Pagan Messiah. I repent of partaking in this idolatry. Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.
    7. I repent of receiving, and accepting the Beauceant (battle flag) of the Knights Templar. This flag is half white and half black. I realize that these two colours represent classical dualism (or the Yin and Yang) - the alchemical marriage between good and evil, heaven and earth, gas and solid, to produce the Philosopher's Stone or Elixir, which provides immortality - a means towards Eternal Life which does not run through the Door: Jesus Christ who came in the flesh. It thus represents the conduct of the thief and the robber (John 10:1). Father, please forgive me, in the Name of Jesus.

Father, I pray that you will seal these prayers with the blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. I now rest my full weight on the Scriptures which promise:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).
I now proclaim that I am not guilty any more of any of these sins, and stand before the Father's judgement seat - acquitted, without a debt.

Prayers of Renunciation:
The Illustrious Order of the Rose Croix

(For the counselor: It can hardly be over-stressed that, in the interest of, and for the sake of the safety,
and even life of the counselee,
it is imperative that the prayers of renunciation of the lower degrees be completed before praying this prayer

  1. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the literal, figurative, as well as the allegorical meanings and implications of all symbols or gestures of the Order of the Rose Croix, such as hand, foot, leg or arm signs, salutes, bodily positions, robes, sashes, belts, swords, scabbards, bucklers, caps, baldrics, turbans, altars, square and compass, fetters, garbs of slavery, coronets, banners, bridges, etc. I proclaim that the said symbols and gestures will by no means affect my life, or the lives of my loved ones, in any way any more whatsoever.
  2. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the authority and spiritual meaning of all offices and titles of the Order of the Rose Croix, such as Sovereign Master, Principal Chancellor, Principal Master of the Palace, Excellent High Priest, Master of Cavalry, Master of Infantry, Companion Conductor, Master of Finance, Master of Dispatches, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warden, Sentinel and Guard. I proclaim that I stand under the authority and banner of but One, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. In this authority I proclaim that the said offices and titles will by no means affect my life, or the lives of my loved ones, in any way any more whatsoever.
  3. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce and cut myself free from the Masonic duties of these offices, such as sounding the assembly, presenting the Sentinel, announcing the approach and departure of the Sovereign Master, guarding the lodge, displaying, supporting and protecting the Banner of the Order, recording the transactions of the lodge, collecting of revenue, commanding divisions, preparing candidates, forming lines, presiding in the lodge, ministering at the Altar, offering up prayers to Deity, preparing the lodge, executing orders of the Sovereign Master, preserving involute the constitution and laws of the Order, inculcating the force and importance of Truth, and diffusing sublime principles of universal benevolence. I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will set me free forever of these duties.
  4. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself and my loved ones free from the Tower of Babel, known in Masonry as King Solomon's Temple, and called in the Order of the Rose Croix a spiritual edifice. I renounce, and cut myself and my loved ones free from everything which this tower represents: Rebellion, pride, witchcraft, the Mysteries, secular world systems, the New World Order, etc.
  5. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce and cut myself mentally, emotionally and spiritually free from the Masonic "virtue" of Truth, as well as the female demonic deity which is called by that name.
    1. I renounce the statement that "in her judgement is no unrighteousness, and that she is the strength, wisdom, power and majesty of all ages." I renounce my blessing of "the god of truth."
    2. I confess that this lady is a manifestation of the demonic Queen of Heaven, and that Freemasonry twists Biblical truths to suit the purposes of the Mysteries, of which its members are priests.
    3. I pray, Jesus, that you will clear my mind of every deception and lie which I've come to believe during my years serving at the altars of Freemasonry, and that you will consequently remove all demonic strongholds of deception from my mind.
    4. I also renounce, and cut myself free from all other Masonic "virtues" represented by female demonic deities, such as Faith, Hope, Charity, Beauty, Wisdom, Strength, Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, Justice, Liberty, Moderation, Industry, Humility, etc.
  6. I hereby lay down my dark priesthood of the Mysteries, and specifically the Sun and Moon gods, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
    1. I proclaim that a Mason can never be a priest from the spiritual house of Judah, but is actually a priest from the spiritual house of Nimrod - the enemy of Shem.
    2. I ask, Jesus, that you will completely and fully strip me of any authority, skill or knowledge which accompanies this priesthood. I pray that your Holy Spirit will blow through my life and body, purifying me of any residue of this priesthood. I pray that you will clothe me with priestly garments of your own, and appoint me, a believer, as king, priest and prophet in your Kingdom.
  7. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the Queen of Heaven. I also lay down my state of spiritual emasculation caused by my idolatrous prostitution after her, and every act or thought of homosexuality which accompanies this state.
    1. I renounce my statement that "women are supreme above the strength of wine, as well as the power of kings," and proclaim this to be representative of idol worship.
    2. I pray, Jesus, that you will thoroughly cleanse me from this filth, and that you will fully restore me into Biblical manhood, priesthood and fatherhood for the Body of Christ, my wife and my children.
  8. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the name Zerubabel, the spiritual seed of Babylon, as well as the spiritual seed of confusion - which is actually the seed of the Nephilim (Biblical giants), which survived the flood in Noah's ark via the wife of Ham, representing the seed of the Antichrist (or Biblical tares - Mat. 13:25 - 30).
    Father God, I pray that you will purify my biological and spiritual genes and DNA from that of the Nephilim, as well as that of my children and their descendants.
  9. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce the oaths that I've made in the Order of the Rose Croix, that I will forever be faithful to the trust reposed in me, and that I promise to keep invaluable the secrets, and maintain the honour of the Rose Croix even at the peril of my liberty and life. I hereby dissociate myself from these vows, and ask you, merciful Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit, and by the blood of Jesus, to cut me free from the web of these vows into which I had entangled myself.
  10. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the belt, scabbard and sword which I had received during the ritual, as well as from its figurative and allegorical meanings and implications. I surrender them to the feet of Jesus. I proclaim these to be the demonic counterfeits of the Biblical belt of truth, and the sword of the Spirit - the Word of God. I dissociate myself from defending Masonic Truth with this sword, and proclaim that doing so amounts to the atrocities of a modern Inquisition.
    I also renounce, and dissociate myself from the Order's command to be violent, yet prudent.
  11. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the authority of Darius, the Persian king of Babylon.
    1. I hereby proclaim that he has no authority over me to deliver me from chains, or to honour me with royal robes or banners.
    2. I hereby return every act of "mercy" which I had symbolically received from him, to him, as well as every gift, empowerment, honour, passport or escort which I had received from him.
    3. In the Name of Jesus, I now break the proud and arrogant curse which he pronounced over me and my people, that "whosoever shall alter my word, let timber be pulled down from his house and be set up, let him be hanged; and let his house be made a dunghill for this." In the Name of Jesus, I now take authority over this curse, and proclaim that it shall neither cause fear, nor affect the followers of Jesus in any way.
    4. I hereby declare that I submit under only one banner - the banner of Jesus, which is love (SoS 2:4). I dissociate myself from the Kingdom of Babylon, and embrace Israel as the tame olive, onto which Jesus had engrafted me as a wild, gentile olive (Rom. 11:24).
    5. Father, I pray that you will bind me spiritually and emotionally to these, my spiritual roots.
  12. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself, as well as my bloodline, free from the organization of Freemasonry. I renounce this organization as an enemy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
    1. I hereby proclaim before the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the angels, evil spirits and those present here in the flesh, that I choose to turn my back on Freemasonry, to walk away from it, never to return, and to cross the border into the Kingdom of Heaven.
    2. I pray, Father, that you will wipe my name from Masonic records, and protect and keep me obedient to your Word, and steadfast on this road.
  13. In the Name of Jesus, I now proclaim:
    1. that the first spiritual Freemason was Nimrod, the son of Cush, and not the Biblical king Solomon, the son of David.
    2. that spiritual Freemasonry started in Babylon, and that the Jews were contaminated with the Mysteries during the Exile.
    3. that no such abomination as a Masonic altar was ever present amongst the utensils of king Solomon's temple.
    4. Father, I pray that you will now clear my mind and understanding from these lies, and that they will no longer rule my mind and thought life.
  14. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce the bodily position of taking the oath, whereby I had knelt on my left knee, with my right knee forming a square, and my left hand resting upon the Bible with square and compass, and my right hand upon my heart.
    1. Father, I pray that you by your Holy Spirit will wipe out all memories of this position from my body, mind and emotions, and break all curses associated with it in Jesus' Name.
    2. I renounce the vows which I had made in this position:
    3. That I will forever keep and conceal the secrets belonging to the Illustrious Order of the Rose Croix.
    4. That I will stand and abide by the rules and regulations of the Order.
    5. That I will answer and obey all due signs and regulations sent to me.
    6. That I will always vindicate the character of a true and courteous companion of the Order.
    7. That I bind myself under no less a penalty than that of having my house pulled down, the timbers thereof set up, an I hanged thereon, and that until the last tear shall shed, I be excluded from the company of fellow Freemasons, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate these rules.
    8. Father, I pray that you, by your Holy Spirit, shall break to pieces these vows, break the associated curses, and seal the pieces with the blood of Jesus. I pray that you will set me completely free from them, never to affect my own, or my loved ones' lives ever again.
  15. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby renounce, and surrender, my membership of the Illustrious Order of the Rose Croix at the feet of Jesus. I proclaim that I will no longer depend on, or need the protection and vindication of members of this Order, since I am now protected and vindicated by the authority and mighty power of Yahuweh, the Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and his Son, Jesus or Yahusuah, my Redeemer, and his set apart Spirit.
  16. In the Name of Jesus, I hereby surrender my sash, which serves as remembrance of this ritual, that was supposed to "inculcate in me the almighty force and importance of Masonic truth," at the feet of Jesus.
    [Physically destroy all Masonic paraphernalia of the Rose Croix at this point].
    I cut myself free from every symbolic or allegorical meaning of this sash, and ask the Father to cleanse me from its effects.
  17. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from all means of recognition of this Order, such as passwords, charges and responses, the Pilgrim's Cross, the Rose Croix word, the word of a companion of the Rose Croix, and signs and grips.
    1. I renounce the bodily position of standing side to side, with fingers of left hands interlocked, and swords pointing towards each other's left side, near the heart.
    2. I also renounce the sign which alludes to the sound of the last trumpet.
  18. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the banner of the Order with its star, Rose Croix of equal arms and angles indicating Duty, Truth, Justice and Liberty. I also renounce the motto Magna est Veritas, et prœvalbit (Great is truth, and it will prevail).

2. The Valorous and Magnificent Order of the Knights Templar.

  1. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the literal, figurative, as well as the allegorical meanings and implications of all symbols of the Order of the Knights Templar, such as black clothing, the twelve tapers or candles, goblets, cups, relics, the pall or cover, the Chamber of Reflection, the hourglass, hoodwink, sepulcher, ascension scene, altar, square and compass, swords, bucklers, robes, miter, cross, pilgrim's garb, sandals, staff, scepter, tent and hut. I proclaim that the said symbols and gestures will by no means affect my life, or the lives of my loved ones, in any way any more whatsoever.
  2. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the authority and spiritual meaning of all offices and titles of the Order of the Knights Templar, such as Eminent Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, Excellent Prelate, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Recorder, Standard Bearer, Sword Bearer, Warden, Sentinel and Guard. I proclaim that I stand under the authority and banner of but One, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. In this authority I proclaim that the said offices and titles will by no means affect my life, or the lives of my loved ones, in any way any more whatsoever.
  3. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the Masonic duties of these offices, such as sounding the assembly, posting the sentinel, announcing the approach and departure of the Eminent Commander, seeing that the assembly is duly guarded, displaying and protecting the banner of the Order, recording the transactions of the Commandery, collect revenue, paying all orders, rendering true accounts, attending to poor and weary pilgrim warriors, comforting and supporting pilgrim pennants, introducing them into the assembly, ministering at the altar, offering up prayers to deity, seeing that due preparation is made for the conclaves of lodges, preparing the assembly for introduction of candidates, the dispatch of business, exacting orders of the Eminent Commander, presiding the lodge, assisting the Eminent Commander, distributing alms to poor and weary pilgrims, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, bind up the wounds of the afflicted, inculcating the duties of charity and hospitality, governing meetings with justice and moderation. I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will set me free forever of these duties.
  4. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the bodily position of kneeling on my left knee, and interlocking my fingers with the person in front of me, whether my arms be crossed or not. I renounce the fact that this position represents the unification of my heart (in "bonds of friendship and brotherly love" - also known as the "mystical tie") as "a symbol of my faith" " with that of the Order. I also renounce the cuts of the sword associated with some of the passwords given.
    1. I renounce the Immortal Word, which I had pronounced in this position, as well as its response. Father, I pray that you will remove from my body all memories of this position, and set me free from the spiritual and emotional effects of the Immortal word and its response on my life.
    2. also renounce the Pilgrim Warrior Words, and the Pilgrim Pennant Word and response.
  5. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the obligation to defend the "Christian Religion" with my sword. Having repented of this, I also cut myself free from the Biblical curse which I had incurred on myself (Mat. 26:52): "... for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."Father, I pray that you will wash all spiritual blood from my hands, and cleanse me thoroughly. Please break all curses over my back by the blood of Jesus.
  6. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the obligation of seven years of pilgrimage (of which I was only required to complete three), clothed in pilgrim's garb, with sandals, staff and scrip, which I had been yoked with in the Templar's lodge.
    1. Similarly, I renounce, and cut myself free from the four years of warfare (of which I was only required to complete three), and one year of penitence. Father, I pray that you will release me from the curses of poverty, weariness, hunger, thirst, loneliness, isolation, aggression, inability to discern, worship of female idols, and false humility and charity to which I had submitted during these assignments. Father, I pray that you will forgive me, in the Name of Jesus, and that you will break the yoke of all these curses.
    2. Similarly, I renounce the seven chakras through which the Kundalini spirit serpent moves from the base of my spine to the top of my head.
    3. In the Name of Jesus, I now renounce, and cut myself free from the Kundalini spirit, and in the Name of Jesus, I command you to surrender your hold in all three levels of the spirit, and to leave my body, soul and spirit for ever - never to return. In the Name of Jesus, I command you to go wherever Jesus sends you.
      1. Father, I ask in the Name of Jesus, that you will close up every chakra in my spiritual man which I had opened to the Kundalini spirit, and return it to its original state.
      2. In the Name of Jesus, I now renounce the Egyptian serpent spirit called Uraeus, as well as its feline counterpart Bastet. In the Name of Jesus, I now renounce, and cut myself free from the fiery sun god Re or Ra, and Amun or Amen.
      3. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce my quest for the Holy Grail. In the Name of Jesus, I also renounce, and cut myself free from Morrugan and the line of Fisher Kings. In the name of Jesus, I renounce and cut myself free from all Hermetic connections to John the Baptist, as well as John the Apostle. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the powers of the decapitated head of John the Baptist, called the Baphomet, the Skull and Crossbones or the Jolly Roger.
      4. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce every form of supernatural power or energy which I had obtained from this Kundalini spirit, and surrender these to the feet of Jesus. Father, I now ask that you will break the power of the Masonic cable tow over my life (which acted as an umbilical chord between me and Freemasonry) by the power of your Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, I now ask you, and give you permission, to burn up this spiritual chord with your Holy Fire. Father, I ask that you will seal all my bodily orifices, including my navel, with the blood of Jesus, so no occult energy may enter or leave my body through these openings.
      5. In the Name of Jesus, I cut myself free from the energies of earth, water, air and fire. I declare a divorce between myself and the energies of nature, and hereby declare my allegiance to the Lamb of God and the power of His Holy Spirit.
      6. In the Name of Jesus, I now break the power of, and proclaim myself free and rid from the power of Kundalini, of Baphomet, of the Green Man, St. George, St. John and the false "Holy Spirit." I proclaim that I want nothing to do with this "force" for all eternity.
      7. Father, I pray that you, by the power of your Holy Spirit, will now close my third, spiritual eye in the middle of my forehead, between my eyebrows. (Anoint this area with oil). I declare that I have no desire to see into, or have awareness of the spirit world around me - the way God the Father desires me to be. I simply desire to be conscious of whatever the Holy Spirit allows me to be aware of.
    4. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce Masonic "light" and all the knowledge and powers associated with it. In the Name of Jesus, I now break the power of symbolism, metaphors and allegory over my mind, and break the stranglehold of these concepts over my thought life. Father, I ask that you will restore my mind to holiness and purity, so I can think unhindered upon things which are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8).
    5. In the Name of Jesus, I now command every sexual demon which had entered me in liaison with the Kundalini spirit, to leave me immediately. In the Name of Jesus, I command every spirit of fornication, adultery, bestiality, homo-, bi- or trans-sexuality to leave me immediately. In the Name of Jesus, I proclaim that my sexuality before Him shall be pure and holy. Father, I ask that you will now touch my sexuality, so that it will return to what You had originally created it to be. Holy Spirit, I ask that you will blow through my sexuality, and purify it from all defilement and unholiness.
    6. In the name of Jesus, I deny en renounce all forms of homosexuality and a-sexuality (androgyny). I deny the so-called androgynous man of Freemasonry, and sever between him and me with the Sword of the Spirit. I deny the Masonic allegation that after my physical death, my "dismembered spirit" will "soar aloft and dwell forever in realms of life and light eternal." In the Name of Jesus, I renounce my priesthood of the Queen of Heaven, and renounce her power over my sexuality. In the Name of Jesus, I claim back my original sexuality from her.
    7. Lord Jesus, I pray that you will restore my emasculated spirit man back to me, and restore my heterosexual orientation.
  7. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the vows that I have foolishly made at the altars of the Knights Templar, such as:
    1. That I will forever keep and conceal the secrets belonging to the Valorous and Magnificent Order of the Knights Templar, and Knights of Malta; that I will not communicate them to any one except to a true and lifelong Knight of this Order.
    2. That I will stand to and abide by the by-laws of any lodge of Knights Templar, that I will support and maintain the constitution and laws of the Grand Lodge under whose authority the same is held, together with the constitution, laws and edicts of the Grand Enclave of my country.
    3. That I will answer and obey all due signs and regular summons sent to me, or given me by the hand, from a lodge of Knights Templar.
    4. That I will go to the distance of fifty miles, even before and on frozen ground, to relieve the distress of a worthy Knight Templar.
    5. That I will help, aid and assist with my counsel, purse and sword if necessary, wherever I would find a Knight Templar, his wife, widow or children in distress.
    6. That I will wield my sword in defense of innocent maidens, desperate widows, helpless orphans, and the Christian Religion.
    7. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask that you will relieve me of these obligations, and that you will break their power and control over me.
    8. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the curse associated with these vows - would I ever violate them:
    9. That my head be smitten off and placed upon the highest spire of Christendom.
    10. Father, I pray that you will break the yoke of this curse over my back. I pray that you will free me from the fear associated with this curse, and the fear I feel for the lodge of Knights Templar. I believe that you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7).
  8. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce the apostolic ritual during which I died as Judas, and was resurrected as Matthias.
    1. I deny and renounce the concept of reincarnation, and every teaching thereof, as false and heretical. I believe that man shall die but once (Heb. 9:27), and not several times. I deny the Gnostic teaching that I am the reincarnation of Moses, Elijah, Matthias, John the Baptist or John the Apostle.
    2. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce any apostolic office to which the Masonic lodge has elevated and appointed me. I surrender any false apostolic mantle to the feet of Jesus. I admit that I am but a common man, filled and gifted by the Holy Spirit of the Father, but with no apostolic office whatsoever.
    3. In the Name of Jesus, I now break the curse of the Masonic baptism into the death of Judas over my life. In the Name of Jesus, I break the power of death over myself and my loved ones, as well as my descendants. I proclaim that in the baptism of Jesus Christ, I have been reborn into the spiritual household of God the Father, and that in Jesus Christ, I have life evermore.
    4. In the Name of Jesus, I surrender any false, demonic, supernatural "apostolic" authority and power over fellow Christians to the feet of Jesus. I pray, Jesus, that you would remove such power and authority from me. I believe that in Your Kingdom, those who want to be great should not lord it over others, but be as a servant (Mat. 20:25 - 26).
  9. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the covenant with the Nephilim bloodline into which I have entered by means of the symbolic blood of five libations.
    1. In the Name of Jesus, I deny this symbolic blood and its meaning. I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will break the power of this covenant with your blood and the higher covenant into which I've entered with you through Holy Communion. I pray that you will break and open any spiritual seals associated with this Nephilim covenant, since you are worthy to even open the seals of the heavenly books (Rev. 5:9).
    2. I hereby declare a divorce between myself and the Nephilim bloodline of demonic DNA. I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will purify my spiritual and physical
    3. genes of demonic DNA, so that I might be like Noah, who was "righteous in his generations" (Gen. 7:1).
      I also declare that I desire to marry the holy bloodline of the Lamb. I proclaim that I am part of the gentile wild olive, which has been engrafted onto the tame Semitic olive (Rom. 11:24), and that at the last trumpet, my Bridegroom will come to fetch me as His bride.
    4. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce the covenant which I had made with the spirit of death and illness when I partook of the fifth libation of pure wine, described as "symbolic of the bitter cup of death." I pray, Lord Jesus, that you will break the power of this covenant with your blood and the higher covenant into which I've entered with you through Holy Communion. I pray that you will break the power of death over me, my loved ones and my descendants.
    5. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the adoration of the Masonic deities known as Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, Hiram Abiff and Simon of Cyrene/John the Baptist. I also deny and renounce the adoration of deified, historical figures of Cush, Nimrod, Tammuz and the so-called Fisher Kings.
      I deny the Masonic and Gnostic doctrine that Simon of Cyrene had secretly taken the place of Jesus at Calvary, and that Jesus was never killed, but lived on to marry and have children. I declare this doctrine to be historically incorrect, and utterly Gnostic.
      I declare that God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit alone are worthy of all the honour, power and praise in heaven and on earth.
    6. In the Name of Jesus I renounce the Masonic references to the "Redeemer of the World," thereby allegorically referring to Hiram Abiff or Tammuz. I believe that man shall only be saved through one Name, that being the Name of Jesus Christ, or Yahushua, the Son of God the Father - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.
    7. Father, I pray that you will, by the blood of Jesus and the power of your Holy Spirit, heal my mind from the twisting of Scripture in the four lessons which I have received during the five libations.
    8. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the teachings of Gnosticism, which teaches that secret knowledge is required for salvation. I declare these teachings to be a different gospel from that of Jesus Christ, and are utterly mystic and occult.
    9. I hereby proclaim that man shall be saved by grace alone, and unity through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who came to earth in the flesh (1 John 4:2).
    10. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce, and cut myself free from the spiritual womb of the Baphomet. In the Name of Jesus, I renounce and cut myself free from the Queen of Heaven and her three manifestations in Freemasonry (Faith, Hope and Charity)as the Virgin, the Mother and the Crone. In the Name of Jesus, I declare a divorce with her reproductive organs, and that they shall by no means operate through my life ever again. I speak barrenness to her womb, and pray that it will dry and shrivel up in my life.
    11. I now declare that, by believing in Him, Jesus had put inside of me a spring of living water (John 7:38) which shall bring life to the nations.
    12. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce any worship which I had given to the Baphomet, through singing the "Ode to the Skull" or otherwise. In the Name of Jesus, and with His prophetic anointing, I now speak destruction to any spiritual altar which I had thus and otherwise erected to establish contact points with the second heaven on earth.
    13. In the Name of Jesus, altar, "split in two and pour out your ashes!" (1 Kings 13:3)
  10. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the alchemical principle of duality, which pursues the unification of opposites, such as heaven and earth, and male and female, to produce the elixir or philosopher's stone. I renounce the principle of the Egyptian Duat, which says "As above, so below." I declare this to be the opposite of the Lord's Prayer, which says "... your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Mat. 6:10).
    [The Duat connects the earth with the second (demonic) heaven, whereas Jesus' prayer connects earth with the third (divine) heaven.]
    1. In the Name of Jesus, I break the power of alchemy over my life, as well as every one of its 22 stages, i.e. Prima Materia (4 stages), Allegory (7 stages), Transformation in the Retort (7 stages), End of the Work (4 stages).
    2. Similarly, I break the power and symbolism of the associated 22 trumps of the Tarot System over my life, as well as those of my loved ones and descendants.
      Consequently, in the Name of Jesus, I also break the power of the associated 22 paths of the Sephiroth or Kabbalah (or Tree of Life) over my life, as well as those of my loved ones and descendants.
      Lord Jesus, I pray that you will cleanse my life from this occultic filth, and seal me with your blood - my body, soul and spirit.
    3. In the Name of Jesus, I destroy the power, symbolism and effect of the square and compass, as well as the skull on the Bible (as "an emblem of mortality supported by divinity") in my life, as well as those of my loved ones and descendants.
    4. In the Name of Jesus, I declare a divorce between myself and the New World Order, as well as between myself and the Antichrist as the seed of the Nephilim - who seeks to rule forever by the power of immortality.
    5. I believe that in the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth (Phil. 2:10).
  11. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the statement whereby I had vowed away my very salvation during the fifth libation: "This pure wine I now take from this cup ... and may this libation appear against me in Judgment, to condemn me, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate my vows of knighthood."
    I believe that my sins will stand against me in Judgement, but that I have an intercessor in Jesus Christ, who has already paid for my every sin. Having confessed them, as well as the taking of this very vow, means that they are paid for, and forgiven in Jesus Christ (1 John 1:9), and that I am free from this folly. Praise the Lord!
  12. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the Templar banner (or Standard), the Beauceant (or Battle Flag), baldric, sword and spear which I have received.
    1. I hereby step out from under the white Templar banner or Standard, with its red Persian Cross. I declare this Persian Cross to be a symbol of Babylon and Tammuz - the false Messiah. I declare a divorce between myself and the colour combination of red on white.
      I choose to enlist under the banner of the Lamb, which is love (S of S. 2:4)
      I deny and renounce the motto of the Templar Order on its banner or Standard: "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (In this sign conquer) and "Non Nobis, Domine, Non Nobis: Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam" (Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory.)
      I declare that this motto states the Templar quest to conquer in the symbol of Tammuz, and give glory unto this demonic entity.
      I believe that my Lord Jesus desires no sign to represent Him, since the Father commanded us not to make images of spirit beings (Ex. 20:4). Therefore Christians need no sign to conquer in. I will only give glory unto the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
    2. I hereby also step out from under the half white and half black Templar Beauceant or Battle Flag. I declare this symbolism to signify classical dualism, the Yin and the Yang, the alchemical principle of the marriage of opposites to obtain power. I declare this principle to be irreconcilable with what I believe, since God and evil can never be reconciled or married. I declare the Masonic explanation for this symbolism a lie: That "those Christian warriors were fair and favorable to the friends of Christ, but dark and terrible to His enemies." I declare that this speaks of the Messiah of the Roman Catholic Church, which is Tammuz. I believe that God is good, that in His omnipotence he stands His own ground, and needn't co-exist with evil to prove His goodness.
    3. I hereby surrender my Templar Baldric or shoulder band, with its Persian Cross with a star as background, at the feet of Jesus. I declare the Masonic explanation for this symbolism to be a deception: An "emblem of the reward which the Great Captain of our Salvation has promised to those who conquer in His Name; even the emblem of himself, He being the bright Morning Star ..." I declare that this "bright Morning Star" does not refer to Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:16), but to the Blazing Star of Freemasonry, which is the Dog Star Sirius, or Lucifer himself (Is. 14:12).
    4. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Bright Morning Star (2 Pet. 1:19; Rev. 2:28; 22:16), and that Lucifer masquerades to be like Him (Is. 14:12; 2 Cor. 11:14).
    5. I hereby also surrender my Templar sword, whose "hilt is endowed with Justice impartial, its blade with Fortitude undaunted and its point with Mercy unrestrained" at the feet of Jesus. I declare that this sword is symbolic of the occult holy grail sword Excalibur, and that it is spiritually used to kill in the name of the Queen of Heaven and the Roman Catholic Church.
    6. I believe that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (such as swords), but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). I also believe that the Christian's sword is the Word of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17).
    7. I hereby also surrender my Templar spear, which should "remind me of the zeal and activity which should henceforth and evermore goad me on in the performance of my Knightly duties" at the feet of Jesus. I declare this spear to be symbolic of the occult holy grail spear of Longinus, the legendary Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus at the crucifixion. I believe that the Christian is not equipped by Jesus with a spear, and that we don't need such a weapon.
  13. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce my Templar knighthood and title of "Sir." I declare that I choose not to be a member of the Valorous and Magnificent Order of the Knights Templar, and that I want nothing to do with it. I turn my back on this "honour" bestowed on me by the Eminent Commander, and walk away from it for ever.
    I believe that my identity lies in Jesus Christ, and to be a son of the Father and His servant. I choose not to build my identity or self-esteem on the honours of man, or on my performance.
    1. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the so-called "left-handed way," which is the way of the occult, into which I was initiated with the tap of the Eminent Commander's sword on my left shoulder. I deny unrestrained or ungodly religious thoughts, and deviant religious ways. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will heal my mind to think straight - the way in which You intended when You weaved me together in my mother's womb (Ps. 139:13).
    2. I believe that God had not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). I also believe that self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:23).
    3. Father, I pray that you will seal with the blood of Jesus the demonic portals on my left shoulder and back created by the tap of the Eminent Commander's sword. I proclaim that I desire that no spiritual traffic will ever pass through these portals again.
    4. In the Name of Jesus, I deny and renounce the way of chivalry, which through the ages has proved to, without exception, be associated with the occult.
    5. I believe that chivalry represents a deceptively appealing, but false value system, which deviates from the Divine order. Lord Jesus, I pray that You will help me to understand Your ways, so I may walk in them.
Finally, in the Name of Jesus, I now declare myself completely free and independent from the Organization and System known as Freemasonry, free from its philosophy, its aims, its influence, its spirituality, its ways and its existence.

I choose to cover myself with Christ Jesus who came in the flesh, the Son of God the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, by the power of his Set Apart Spirit. I stand under His authority, equipped and assigned to do the work of the ministry, to fight the good fight, and to overcome until the end. Maranatha!
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