Kundalini (Eng)

by Eben Swart 4 Jun 2010 Download prayer in PDF format
A prayer of Repentance and Renunciation for those who have been involved in Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Yoga, Eastern Martial Arts, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Visualisation, New Age, Medical Practice and Alternative Healing Methods, Spa Treatments, Caballa, Passive Meditation, Charismatic Churches and Toronto Type Services, Christian Soaking Meetings.

Kundalini: Prayer of Repentance.

Father, we appear before Your throne in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yahushua ha Mashiach, to confess our own trespasses, sin and iniquity, as well as those of our ancestors.
As our foundation we take Your Scriptures where it says:

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Father, concerning the Kundalini we confess that we, as well as our ancestors have sinned. We admit that we, as well as our ancestors were aware of the fact that You do not leave the guilty unpunished, and that You punish the children for the sins of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate You and violate Your commandments.
And even so, we and our forefathers did not trust You, and did not believe You. We pursued the desires of our own flesh and sought help, power and energy from other gods - and thus came to worship foreign gods. We confess that we and our forefathers are guilty of idolatry.

Father, we confess that we and our forefathers did not teach our children Your ordinances and statutes when they sat down or stood up, timely and untimely. We confess that we, due to our faithlessness in this regard, did not know Your will, and thus have sometimes unknowingly, but also intentionally, violated the safe boundaries which You have set for us.
We confess that in our ignorance we have erred, because we did not know Your power or the Scriptures. Thus, we did not discern the power of Satan, and even often called it the power of Your Holy Spirit.
In our ignorance the power and rewards of Satan impressed us, and thus we joined the lodges of Secret Organizations and the Roman Catholic Church. In doing so, we have sold our birth right.
We confess that we have thus incurred a curse onto our own heads, as well as the heads of our children and children's children. We confess that in these Lodges and Organizations we and our forefathers have learned the Mysteries of Babylon - the deep mysteries of Satan. And we confess that these teachings and practices have awakened the seed of Satan in our DNA.
We confess that we and our forefathers have employed these powers of Satan, the Kundalini serpent, to our own advantage in order to acquire supernatural powers and energy, to make money and friends, and alas, that we have carried it into the midst of the community of believers, the ekklesia, via our spiritual leaders.
We confess that we have pursued illumination, that we desired to be our own god, that we desired to evolve to higher levels than those around us.
We confess that by doing so, we have shattered the spiritual unity of the ekklesia, because we were more loyal to the unity facilitated by the activated Kundalini in the fraternities of our lodges and organizations, than to the brotherhood of Your Kingdom by the Holy Spirit. We confess that we and our forefathers have kept secret our membership of these lodges and organizations for our brothers in Christ, and that we have secretly carried and operated the Kundalini power into and in the midst of the ekklesia.

We confess that, in the community of believers, we have submitted ourselves to some of the doctrines of these teachings of Satan - specifically the teaching that a Babylonian water ritual (infant baptism), and not the spilling of blood, would admit us into Your covenant with Abraham. We confess that, by this lie (the stream of water which the Kundalini dragon spews after the woman in Revelation) we have given thousands of people a delusion of salvation from sin - while they were NOT saved. We confess that, in so doing, we have grieved and quenched Your Holy Spirit, for not allowing Him to write Your law onto the hearts of men.
We also confess that the doctrine of Predestination, as taught by priests of the Babylonian Mysteries, teaches that (infant) baptized individuals need not make a choice of their will for Jesus - because their baptism would already include them into the covenant with Abraham. We confess that we and our forefathers have submitted ourselves to this abominable doctrine.

We confess our unbelief in You, whereby we have trusted in the systems and institutions of Babylon for our lives, health and livelihood. We have chosen these systems as our security, and have rejected You and Your decrees and statutes. We confess that we have no idea how to live by faith.

We confess that we have submitted ourselves to church services where Kundalini energy has operated freely, and that we did not discern it. We confess that we have not called our so-called "spiritual leaders" to order in this respect, did not discern their false spiritual authority, and have embraced their teaching without question.
We confess that we have allowed Kundalini powers to marginalize the true power of the Holy Spirit in the Church. We confess that we have caused the Holy Spirit to withdraw from church services where these powers were operating. That we have grieved and quenched Your Holy Spirit.
We confess our desire and craving after a "touch" by the Kundalini energy. We confess our sensual satisfaction whenever it díd touch us. We confess that we have prayed to the Kundalini for healing for our bodies, greater and deeper spirituality, self worth and honour.

We confess that we have submitted ourselves to the symbol of the Mysteries, the discipline of Hermeticism, the caduceus - the staff of Hermes. We confess that we have chosen it as our banner over all medical affairs, and thus have put all medical knowledge and practice under the influence and authority of Hermes, the Kundalini.
We confess that we have employed these supernatural influences to subject the population of the earth to continuous chemical drugging, on a scale which, in time, would greatly contribute to a global, alternative collective consciousness.

We confess that we and our forefathers have involved ourselves in various Kundalini practices, and that we have encouraged our children in these:
Yoga, Martial Arts, Reflexology, Reiki, I Ching, New Age, energy treatments, balancing treatments, passive meditation, breath control, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism, Alchemy, Shamanism, Hermeticism, Chiropractice, Rock music, Caballism.

We confess that we have desecrated our own bodies with sexual abominations in order to activate the Kundalini, or to make it operate sensually. We confess that this generation indulges in sexual lust, and that we, as well as many religious en church leaders live sexually impure lives, and that we are compelled to fight for the sexual purity of our children.

Father, in the Name of Jesus we pray that You will forgive us for these transgressions and sins. We pray that You will purify us from our inherited, as well as our own iniquity. We opt that You write Your law on our innermost flesh. We choose that You erase the words of Satan in our flesh.

For that, we give You all the glory, in Jesus' Name.


Kundalini Prayer of Renunciation

The Seed of Satan and the Kathulu

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the seed of Satan, as well as the seed of the sons of God of Gen. 6. I profess that God has already judged these angels (also known as the Kathulu), and has bound them with unbreakable chains under the earth, so that they are unable to repeat their acts with the daughters of men.
I believe that God saves those, like Noah, who are righteous in their generations.
I believe that the Holy Spirit, at believer's baptism, writes God's law on my innermost flesh, since I believe in Jesus Christ, Yahushua ha Mashiach, and have accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour. I believe that in the Kingdom of God there is no room for mixed seed - that God does allow two types of seed to grow together on earth, but that mixed seed should be avoided in the community of believers, the ekklesia.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce any covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from the seed of Satan and the Kathulu. I proclaim that, for all eternity, I never want anything to do with it, and proclaim a genetic divorce between myself and all such seed.
Father, I pray in the Name of Jesus that You will purify my DNA and seed to be true seed of the Kingdom. I pray that You will bless my seed for thousands of generations, since I love You and keep Your commandments.

Babylon, the Dragon, the Whore and the Mysteries

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the spiritual Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18, as well as the Whore of Babylon. I renounce the fiery dragon with seven heads and ten horns. I renounce the Tower, secret teachings, magic powers, and powers of seduction and deception of the Mysteries of Babylon, the deep secrets of Satan, and their entire content.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce Nimrod, the godless great-grandson of Noah and all his names in other languages and cultures. In the Name of Jesus I also renounce Semiramis, his licentious wife, and all her other names in other languages and cultures.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the religious system of their design, with its magical powers, metallurgy, chemistry, astrology, drugging, alternative consciousness, illumination, aggression, sensuality, crystallogy, divination and sun and moon worship.

In the Name of Jesus I renounce all covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from the Tower of Babylon and its Mysteries. I renounce any covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from Nimrod, Semiramis, the fiery dragon and the Whore. I proclaim that, in all eternity, I never want anything to do with them.
Father, I pray that You will establish Your Word in me, and that the gifts of Your Holy Spirit will operate through me, to the glory of Your name and the extension of Your Kingdom.

The 4 Elements, Stars, Constellations, the Sun and the Moon.

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the 4 occult elements: Earth, water, air and fire. I renounce the powers and influences of the constellations of the zodiac and all other constellations and stars. I renounce the power of the sun, the sun god, and Sirius, the dog star. I renounce the power and influence of planets and comets. I renounce the power and influence of the moon, the moon goddess and all other satellites.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce all covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from the powers and influences of the 4 elements, stars, planets, comets, the sun and the moon.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce any measurable and immeasurable energy which I might have received from these in the past. I proclaim that my only source of energy is the Life of Jesus Christ, as exemplified in the drinking of His blood, representing His life, during holy communion. I proclaim that His life, by His Holy Spirit, is my only source of energy, since in Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28).
In the Name of Jesus I renounce any covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from any such occult energy or energy sources.
Father, I pray that You would be my only source, and that I, justified before You by the blood of Jesus, shall live by faith.

The Tree of Life, Karma and Reincarnation.

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the philosophy that the human central nervous system is the tree of life, is a symbol thereof or is similar to it. I proclaim that this philosophy is irreconcilable with Scripture, which teaches that the heavenly tree of life is guarded by an angel with a flaming sword. This philosophy is a LIE.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the philosophy of karma and reincarnation. I proclaim this to be a LIE of Satan, and actually based in the phenomenon of demonic soul copies.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the spirits of my forefathers, all memories of previous lives and déjà vu experiences.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce any covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from these philosophies, thinking patterns and practices. I cut myself loose from any previous lives or any memories thereof.
Father, please help me to love the truth - the truth that sets me free, so that I will not believe the lie and perish.

The Chakras

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the powers and activity of my seven chakras, as employed in the occult.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce all elements, metals, colours, constellations and geographical places on earth that are connected to my chakras. In the Name of Jesus, with the sword of the Spirit, I cut myself and my children loose from these elements, metals, colours, constellations and geographical places.
I profess it to be my desire that these chakras will act, and be in the state in which God had created them, and NOT in a state of activation for the Kundalini. I make a choice of my will that my chakras will NOT receive, store, utilize or emit any occultic or soul energy. In the Name of Jesus I make a choice of my will that my chakras shall cease to spin, shall come to a standstill, fade and shut like a flower at sunset.
I make a choice of my will that my third eye between my eyebrows shall shut, and in the Name of Jesus I cut myself and my children loose from the ability to see into the spirit realm or from any of its awareness via my third eye.
I make a choice of my will that my crown chakra shall shut, and that I shall lose its ability to tune into the global collective consciousness. I make a choice of my will to stand OUTSIDE of this collective consciousness, because I choose to be led by the Holy Spirit. In the Name of Jesus I cut myself and my children loose from the powers and symbolism of the phoenix or thunder bird - the symbol of illumination and higher (collective) consciousness.
Father, I choose that Your Holy Spirit shall renew my mind daily. I pray that You will restore my chakras to the original state in which You have created them, and that they shall only fulfill those roles which You have assigned to them. I also pray that You will sever my endocrine glands and system from the chakras, and that You will restore them to health and their original state.

Yogi's, Swami's, Gurus, Masters and "Prophets"

In the Name of Jesus I renounce all individuals who have acted as my spiritual guides en route to illumination. Also those who have subjected me to Kundalini powers in the Name of Jesus in churches and synagogues. In the Name of Jesus I renounce their Kundalini and energy teachings and practices, their books, video material and influence over my mind and life.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce any covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from the teachings and influence of such individuals.
In the Name of Jesus I proclaim a spiritual divorce between myself and this person or persons, and proclaim that, never in all eternity, I want anything to do with their teaching or influence.
Father, I pray that the sword of Your Spirit will sever between me and this person or persons, even all emotional ties, so that I shall be committed to You alone.

Yoga, Meditation, Yin and Yang

In the Name of Jesus I renounce all yoga philosophy, yoga exercises, yoga positions and yoga discipline. I proclaim that yoga is a deceptive discipline, aimed at awakening the Kundalini to action. In the Name of Jesus I renounce any covenants with yoga, and cut myself and my children loose from yoga and its bad fruits.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce die philosophy, practice and discipline of passive meditation and breath control. I renounce the lotus position and all mantras - specifically the word "aum", as well as "Christian" mantras like "more, Lord", "bless him, Lord", "receive" and repetitive mantras in "tongues". In the Name of Jesus I cut myself and my children loose from all effects and influences of meditation, breath control and mantras.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the philosophy of the magic of dualism and the Yin and Yang, of male and female, Ida and Pingala, heaven and earth, and the marriage of opposites to work magic. I renounce the yin yang symbol and so-called Star of David representing this marriage of opposites. I specifically renounce the union of male and female (or marriage of prince and princess; or king and queen), producing the androgynous person and resulting in gender confusion. I renounce the androgynous person and everything it symbolizes. I cut myself and my children loose from all this symbolism, as well as its influences and effects.
Father, I pray that You will purify my mind of all the above-mentioned philosophies and practices. I choose to be governed by the Holy Spirit (Ruach ha Quodesh), and to be one with the rest of Christ's body via Him.

Roman Catholicism, Freemasonry and Kaballah

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the teachings, structures, offices, sacraments and authority of the Roman Catholic Church - the current day priesthood of the Babylonian Mysteries. I renounce my infant baptism as a Babylonian doctrine, an unbiblical covenant of water (in stead of blood), entered into with the Queen of Heaven, in stead of God the Father. In the Name of Jesus I now renounce this covenant, as well as its seal that had been allocated to my forehead (at the position of the third eye), on the grounds of my blood covenant which I share with Jesus in Holy Communion. I proclaim a divorce between myself and the Queen of Heaven, and cut myself and my children loose from her and her influence in the Name of Jesus - for all time and eternity. I profess to be a child of God the Father, die God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, and that I am NOT a child of the Queen of Heaven, or birthed from her watery uterus. I proclaim that I and my children never, for all eternity,ever want anything to do with the effects and influences of the Roman Catholic Church.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the priesthood of secret organizations, and specifically Freemasonry - its structures, teachings, symbols, tools, rituals, oaths, brotherhood and initiations. I renounce the Kundalini (known as Baphomet or Hiram Abiff) - the dragon with seven heads and ten horns of Revelation, and the Queen of Heaven (the poor widow of Freemasonry) - the whore riding the dragon. In the Name of Jesus I break all Masonic curses pronounced over me by my ancestors - specifically the Lewis Curse of death and poverty. In the Name of Jesus I proclaim a divorce between myself and Freemasonry, renounce all covenants with Masonry, and proclaim that my children and I never, in all eternity want anything to do with the effects and influences of Freemasonry. In the Name of Jesus I hereby cut myself and my children loose from the curse of Freemasonry - for all time and eternity.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce Jewish mysticism and the Kaballah. I renounce all teachings, mental patterns, methods, rituals and holy books such as the Zohar, structures, oaths and symbols of the Kaballah. I proclaim that the teachings of the Kaballah is a mixture of Judaism and the Babylonian Mysteries, and I hereby sever any covenants with it in the Name of Jesus. I cut myself and my children loose from the so-called Tree of Life, or Sephiroth, of the Kaballah.
Father, I pray that You will teach me the workings of Your order, its mechanisms and how it sticks together. I desire to bring myself in line with Your order - and not the systems of the world.

Hermes, Mercury, Thoth.
Medical and Caduceus.

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the false holy spirit - the Greek god Hermes, the Roman god Mercury and the Egyptian god Thoth. In the Name of Jesus I renounce The sacred knowledge of Hermeticism - of Sacred Geometry, Symbolism, Allegory, Numerology and all magic via the yin and the yang. I renounce the spiritual interpreting abilities of Hermes, as well as the spirit of the system of Bible interpretation (Gr: hermeneutes) which was named after him (Hermeneutics). I proclaim that this system of Bible interpretation is imperfect - even as Hermes is imperfect, and that it could lead to gross Biblical error.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce the symbol of the Mysteries, the staff of Hermes - also known as the Caduceus (pronounced: ka-du'-she-iss) I renounce its symbolism of the spine (the staff itself), the pituitary gland (the knob of the staff), the two intertwined serpents (the Ida and Pingala) in the form of the DNA helix, as well as the wings, denoting astral travel or -projection. In the Name of Jesus I sever all covenants with, and cut myself and my children loose from this staff and its symbolism. In the Name of Jesus I also cut myself and my children loose from its biological, emotional and spiritual effects or influence from the occult on any medical treatment which we have undergone under the authority of this symbol.
Father, I pray that You will silence the blood which has flowed from my body under the scalpels of medical practitioners, and thereby sever any covenant with Hermes which I might have entered into in the Name of Jesus. My desire is to serve You alone, and that I will stand in a covenant relationship with only You and my spouse.

The Central Nervous System

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the three channels of Kundalini activation:
The Ida (feminine), the Pingala (masculine) and Sushumna (together). I proclaim that in all eternity, I never want anything to do with the energies or events that activate the Kundalini - specifically not the energies from the earth (for the Ida), or the energies from the heavens (for the Pingala). Also not the energies from the four elements.
In the Name of Jesus I renounce all interference and effects of the Kundalini on the perceptual abilities of my senses. In the Name of Jesus I give back to the Kundalini every "gifting" or ability which I have received from him, and proclaim that in all eternity, me and my children never want anything from him again. I make a choice of my will that NO other spiritual energy than only the energy from the Holy Spirit, Ruach ha Quodesh, shall ever flow through my body.

Father, in the Name of Jesus I pray that You, by Your Holy Spirit indwelling me, will shut these 3 channels unto the Kundalini. I pray that You will restore these 3 channels to their original state. I pray that You will purify them from everything with which the Kundalini might have contaminated them. I pray that You will allow my central nervous system to operate freely - that neural impulses and messages shall flow through my electrical system normally.
In the Name of Jesus I dedicate my 5 senses to Jesus Christ: My eyesight, my hearing, my smelling, my tasting and feeling. Father, I pray that You will purify my senses from all iniquity.

The Kundalini

In the Name of Jesus I renounce the Kundalini and all its other names:
Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, Ureaus, Chi, Ki, Shakti, Shiva, Prana, St. George, St. John, the Green Man, Esprit, Elan, Vital, Orgone, Baphomet, Hiram Abiff, Baraka, Loosh, Fire Serpent, Fire Dragon, holy fire, shekinah, holy spirit.
In the Name of Jesus I sever all covenants of blood, water, fire, earth, air, sex, trauma and energy with the Kundalini, and put them under the blood of Jesus.
I proclaim that Kundalini represents the seed of Satan and his fallen angels, but that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel has deposited His seed in me by His Holy Spirit.
In the Name of Jesus I proclaim that Kundalini represents a counterfeit holy spirit, and false manifestations, miracles, power and energy. I proclaim that the Kundalini has no part in the Kingdom of Heaven, and that he is destined for perdition. In the Name of Jesus I proclaim that the Kundalini shall end up in the pit of fire, which is prepared for those disobedient ones who have already been judged, due to their unbelief, and for whom the time of grace has long ago expired. In the Name of Jesus I proclaim that the fiery nature of the fiery dragon will be of no use to him when he gets thrown into the pit of fire, but that he shall then for evermore be driven from his hiding place, just like burning dry grass would drive any serpent from its den.
Kundalini, in the Name of Jesus I now proclaim that you have NO right anymore to my life, body, soul or spirit. Therefore, I now command you in the NAME of JESUS to leave my life, body, soul and spirit IMMEDIATELY! In the Name of Jesus I command you to pull your entire length, from head to tail, from my body, soul and spirit.
Therefore, Father, we pray that You will now send Your holy fire from heaven to drive the Kundalini from its hiding place inside our bodies.


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Peter James Lewis 12 Oct 2015 at 11:30
Thanks for this most enlightening teaching. Busy writing a book on - Created To Be Formed- Prayed to God for His will and came across this teaching. Be blessed and may the Lord Jesus Christ even lead you further to the advancement of the kingdom of God.
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