The Two Babylons Part 3

The Two Babylons Part 3
Recorded:10 Aug 2006
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:2h 33m 4s
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Several Romish feasts are not scriptural, but originate straight from Babylon's paganism. We take a look at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John and the Feast of the Assumption. Similarly, most Romish doctrines are unscriptural and originate from Babylon's paganism: Baptismal Regeneration, Justification by Works, the Romish Mass, Extreme Unction, Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead.


  • Feasts:
    • Christmas and the Annunciation.
      • The overwhelming witness of the Roman Feasts.
        • The Time of the Year at which Christmas and Christmas Eve are celebrated.
          • The Sun as god.
            • The Pagan Roots of Christmas Traditions.
              • Christmas is a Feast celebrated for the Birth of the Babylonian Messiah.
                • Christmas and Annunciation are purely Babylonian.
                • Easter:
                  • The similarities between Easter and Ishtar. The Babylonian Roots of Lent fast.
                    • The Babylonian Roots of "Hot Cross Buns" and Easter Eggs.
                      • The Easter Egg as Ark, the Pomegranate, and Eve's Sin.
                        • In Scotland the Pomegranate was replaced by the Orange.
                          • The Orange as Symbol of God and Satan's changed Roles.
                          • The Nativity of St. John.
                            • Importing of Midsummer's Day (or Summer Solstice) into the Roman Calender.
                              • The intentional confusion of John the Baptist with the Pagan god Oannes.
                                • Pagan celebrations of St. John in France and Ireland.
                                  • Fire walking and jumping through St. John's Fires.
                                    • Different forms of Fire Worship in different Cultures.
                                      • The Celebrations of the Yezidis (or Devil Worshippers) of modern Chaldea.
                                        • The Climax of the Feast.
                                          • The Feast in different Pagan Cultures.
                                            • St. John Celebrations and Baal Feasts are equivalent.
                                              • The Roman Catholic Church canonizes Bacchus.
                                                • An Abundance of Saints!
                                                  • The similarities between St. Dennis and Bacchus (or Nimrod).
                                                    • They are all Pagan Feasts.
                                                    • The Feast of the Assumption.
                                                      • Facts concerning the Mother of the Pagan Messiah.
                                                        • Come out of her, my People!
                                                          • Brittain's National Sin.
                                                            • Doctrine and Discipline:
                                                              • Roman Doctrines are in direct Conflict with the Bible.
                                                                • Baptismal Regeneration:
                                                                  • The Roman Church believes that Baptism is conditional to Salvation.
                                                                    • "Unbaptised Babies in Hell."
                                                                      • The Origin of the Baptismal Renewal Doctrines.
                                                                        • The Origin of the Babylonian Baptismal Renewal Doctrine.
                                                                          • The Use of Spittle in the Roman Church.
                                                                            • The Persecution of Semiramis after Nimrod's Death.
                                                                              • The Origin of "Holy Water."
                                                                              • Justification by Works:
                                                                                • The balancing Scales of the Mysteries.
                                                                                  • By Faith alone, through Grace.
                                                                                    • Rome's shameful usurping of the balancing scales of St. Michael and Anubis.
                                                                                      • Romish Self-chastisement for the sake of pennance.
                                                                                        • Self-chastisement in honour of Molech and Osiris.
                                                                                          • Self-chastisement in different Cultures.
                                                                                            • The Flagellants.
                                                                                              • Other Romish Customs resembling Nimrod's Rites.
                                                                                                • The exact Babylonian Rites can be witnessed today in the Roman Catholic Church.
                                                                                                • The Romish Mass:
                                                                                                  • The circular Host (or Wafer) as bloodless Sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven.
                                                                                                    • The Romish Mass' similarities with Sun Worship.
                                                                                                      • The Babylonian Mother's domination of her Son.
                                                                                                        • The allegorical Meaning of IHS.
                                                                                                          • The first Christians regarded the eating of this wafer as Heresy.
                                                                                                          • Extreme Unction:
                                                                                                            • The Romish smokescreen for ministering Extreme Unction.
                                                                                                              • The Pagan Unction prepares the Candidate for meeting the Spirit Realm.
                                                                                                              • Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead:
                                                                                                                • A Place of Purification for a second Chance.
                                                                                                                  • Priests' usurping as result of Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead Doctrines.
                                                                                                                    • Our Gratefulness for escaping Rome's yoke of Slavery.
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