The Two Babylons Part 2

The Two Babylons Part 2
Recorded:3 Aug 2006
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:2h 6m 55s
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The Queen of Heaven manifests as a virgin, a mother and a crone. In this DVD, we investigate the mother and her child – the way he was worshipped in Assyria, Egypt and Greece. We see how he died – and his subsequent deification. Lastly, we take a look at his mother.


  • The Mother and Child. The original Child.
    • The substitution of the First Person of the Godhead with the Mother and Child.
      • The Child in Assyria:
        • He is her Husband, but also her Son.
          • Ninus and Nimrod are the same Person.
            • Nimrod, Builder of seven Cities.
              • Cush: Also known as Hermes, Mercury, Bel, Belus, Marduk, Janus, Hephaistos and Vulcan.
                • Cush is the Founder of Babylon, Nimrod is its Builder.
                  • Diana, Rhea, Cybele or Semiramis = the Goddess of Fortresses.
                    • Nimrod (Ninus, Kronos or Saturn) is the God of Fortresses.
                      • Kronos - the Horned One.
                        • Nimrod (or Kronos) as the Bull - representing the black devil.
                          • Horns as a Symbol of Power.
                            • The widespread Use of Horns indicates Nimrod's Degree of influence.
                              • Wings indicate great Power.
                                • The Wings of Nimrod's Successors.
                                  • The Identity between Nimrod and Ninus.
                                  • The Child in Egypt:
                                    • Nimrod - the first Centour.
                                      • The Origin of the Egyptian god Khons.
                                        • Nimrod the black African. The Leopard Skin as his Symbol.
                                        • The Child in Greece:
                                          • The spotted Fawn as Nimrod's Symbol.
                                            • Bacchus, the Son of Cush.
                                              • The Ivy Branch as Symbol of Bacchus.
                                                • Bacchus as the Great Fortifier.
                                                  • The Child is nobody else than Nimrod.
                                                    • Nimrod the Liberator.
                                                      • Lifting the Heavens.
                                                        • Nimrod as Atlas.
                                                          • Nimrod's Idea of New Birth.
                                                          • The Death of the Child:
                                                            • Nimrod's Death resembled that of Osiris - violent.
                                                              • Lamenting Nimrod's Death.
                                                                • China and Iceland: Variations of the Nimrod story.
                                                                • The Child's Deification:
                                                                  • The Pagan Twist in the "Seed of the Woman" Promise.
                                                                    • "And you will strike his Heel."
                                                                      • Nimrod's alleged "voluntary" Death.
                                                                        • Shem, Nimrod's Opposition.
                                                                          • Nimrod sentenced to Death and chopped into Pieces.
                                                                            • The spiritual power of Shem (or Typho).
                                                                              • Shem's tusks and Power of Persuation.
                                                                                • Magic and Initiation into the Mysteries.
                                                                                  • The Worship of Osiris wanes - because he is black. Horus (with lighter Complexion) becomes the favourite.
                                                                                    • Purification from Sin by Blood.
                                                                                      • The Titles of the Child.
                                                                                      • The Child's Mother:
                                                                                        • Worship of the Mother starts to overshadow the Child's Worship.
                                                                                          • The Mother as Habitation and Dove.
                                                                                            • The Power of Mother Goddess Worship over her Devotees.
                                                                                              • The Roman Catholic Church equates Mary to the Holy Spirit.
                                                                                                • Even the Madonna's Complexion was copied from Paganism.
                                                                                                  • Also the Madonna's Features were copied from Paganism.
                                                                                                    • The Madonna's Nimbus (or halo) around her head was copied from Paganism.
                                                                                                      • The Counterfeit Trinity of the Roman Catholic Church.
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