The Intercession Leader at Home

Session 9b

The Intercession Leader at Home
Recorded:17 May 2007
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:1h 30m 44s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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Eben and Isabel share the pitfalls that they've encountered on their ministry journey. Having had no formal ministry training, they have fallen into almost every trap that has been set for them. This DVD serves to inform those who desire and have been called by God into ministry about these pitfalls, so that they don't need to pay the same price.


  • Order of priorities
    • Personal intercessors
      • Personal mentor
        • Church fellowship ("covering")
          • Submission to authority
            • When do I stop working?
              • What can I expect to happen?
                • Negatives
                  • Positives
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