Laws of Leadership I

Session 7a

Laws of Leadership I
Recorded:19 Jul 2007
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:1h 33m 35s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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Followers have a 'look upwards' mentality and forever ask: 'Who's gonna tell me what to do next?' Leaders have a 'look downwards' mentality and forever ask: 'What needs to be done to make this situation work?' Similar to nature, leadership is governed by laws – laws that have been beautifully formulated by the Isaac Newton of leadership: John Maxwell. We take a look at the first half of Maxwell's book of the same name.


  • The Law of The Big Mo
    • The Law of Buy-in
      • The Law of Connection
        • The Law of EF Hutton
          • The Law of Empowerment
            • The Law of Explosive Growth
              • The Law of Influence
                • The Law of The Inner Circle
                  • The Law of Intuition
                    • The Law of Legacy
                      • The Law of The Lid
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