
Session 3b

Recorded:15 Mar 2007
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:46m 17s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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When God wants to intervene in the earth, He raises up an intercessor. We look at Biblical examples of intercessors, and learn from them. We learn how God longs for intercessors to stand as watchmen on the walls of cities and nations. And in conclusion we learn about the pitfalls of intercession – so that we don't become deceived.


  • Root words & definitions
    • Biblical examples of intercession
      • Abraham
        • Moses
          • Phinehas
            • Abigail
              • Ezra
                • Nehemiah
                  • The paralyzed man's friends
                    • Jesus
                      • The Holy Spirit
                      • What is God's perspective/opinion of intercession?
                        • Frequent pitfalls of corporate intercession
                          • Manipulation
                            • Taking the rod out of Moses' hands
                              • Gossip prayer
                                • Pride
                                  • Own agendas
                                    • No submission to authority
                                      • Not waiting on God
                                        • No discering/testing of prophecy/spirits
                                          • Offence
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