Emotional Wounds

Session 4

Emotional Wounds
Recorded:14 Jun 2007
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:2h 30m 20s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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Most Christians believe that our battlefield is the battlefield of the MIND. Not necessarily. Thousands upon thousands of Christians are wounded in their EMOTIONAL area, and Satan knows that if he can hurt you there, you'll at least be crippled for life, or even better: Lost for eternity. This DVD takes us on a journey to discover our areas of emotional hurt – and guides us onto the road of healing.


  • Introduction
    • Imprints & Endorphins
      • Am I wounded?
        • Rejection, not belonging
          • Unworthiness, guilt and shame
            • Doing to achieve self-worth, value, recognition
              • Control (to avoid hurt)
                • Physical
                  • Personality Traits
                    • Identity
                      • Miscellaneous
                      • Some ungodly beliefs about others
                        • Safety/protection
                          • Retaliation
                            • Victim
                              • Hopelessness/helplessness
                                • Defective in Relationships
                                  • God
                                  • Scriptures concerning these and other ungodly beliefs
                                    • The wounded Soldier
                                      • Help, I need healing!
                                        • Forgiveness and triggers
                                          • Relationships
                                            • Reprogramming
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