Dealing with Church Leadership

Session 7b

Dealing with Church Leadership
Recorded:19 Jul 2007
Speaker:Eben Swart
Runtime:1h 9m 54s
Also available in: Afrikaans
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Individuals in prayer/intercessory/prophetic ministry traditionally don't sit too comfortably with individuals in the pastoral ministry. For many years there's been much friction and conflict in the Body between these two groups, and this DVD explores the reasons why this happens to be the case. Once the fundamental differences in anointing and ministry areas are understood, we have positioned ourselves to resolve the conflict.


  • The Profiles of Pastors & Intercessors
    • Know that you are very similar
      • Know that you are very different
      • Cars & Aeroplanes
        • Davids & Samuels (The Natural and the Spiritual)
          • Mountains & Earthquakes (Stability & Shaking)
            • Home Bodies & Jet Setters ( The focus Dillemma)
              • Marthas & Marys (Managers & Servants)
              • The Apostolic Anointing
                • The fivefold Ministry
                  • The Foundations
                    • The Hallmark of an Apostle
                      • False Apostles
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